Kalani is a great place to enjoy enriching activities, join excursions, or just enjoy some relaxation!
View Daily Itinerary
Ballroom Dancing
Instructors: Amy Liu/
Daniel Goings
Line Dancing
Instructor: Evelyn Yeourng
Tai Chi
Instructors: Han Yao Jiang/
Xin Lai Sun
Instructor: Rocio Chinen
Instructor: Han Yao Jiang
Classic Stretch
Instructor: Willy Aguilar
Senior Aerobics
Instructor: Willy Aguilar
Arts and Crafts
Instructor: Sue Wong
Other Services
$50 for non patients/ members
$40 or covered by Clever Care Insurance
$30 with referral from JMG Physician
$40 or covered by Clever Care Insurance
$30 with referral from JMG Physician
These services are also obtainable with Points received through membership.
Fia Fia Lunch Program
This program allows members to participate in Lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Along with a delicious lunch, you will have the opportunity to play games and win points.
1 Lunch = 30 points
5-10 lunch card = 25 points per lunch
Also purchasable with cash - 5 Lunch card at $90 or 10 Lunch card at $180