Membership Fees

Health Spring Membership

Health Spring Plus:

$60/ Month

Health Spring Basic:

$30/ Month

Changes and Updates:

 Points and Day Pass sharing:

The purpose of this program is to allow members and their friends to share free membership benefits, not to sell them. (Please note, these rules do not apply to spouses.)

There will now be limits on the number of points and passes that can be shared.

Monetary transactions involving the sale of items between members are discouraged.

If staff become aware of such transactions, they will be reversed.

Loyalty Point System:

 Lunch passes:

All lunch passes obtained with points will have an automatic expiration of 9 months set from date of purchase.

Pricing for special services

Other Services and Info:

Lunch Reservations: 

All lunch reservations must be done 48 hours in advance.

Referral Program:

When referring New patients or members:

*** The referring individual's name must be given at the time of registration in order to be valid for reward. ***

Points conversion

Every 1 point = $0.80
For example: $100= 125 points

Insurances that partners with Kalani ADHC and their benefits 

Clever Care

Astiva / 

Central Health (Advantage Care)